You are likely very familiar with the normal sounds that your air conditioner makes as it runs and when it turns on and off. With this familiarity, the sounds can easily become background noise that you hardly notice. However, when the sounds coming from your air conditioner change, your system likely needs professional repair service as soon as possible. What are some of the AC sounds that indicate trouble?
AC Sounds That Indicate Trouble
A High-Pitched Squeal
A squealing sound indicates that pressure is building in your unit. This pressure typically comes from a malfunctioning compressor. However, it also could be a sign of a problem with the belt. In both cases, these components should be replaced before additional damage occurs.
A Rattling Sound
If you hear rattling noises, one or more parts in the air conditioner are probably loose, or there may be debris in the unit. You can inspect the outside unit and remove any debris. If this does not resolve the problem, your HVAC technician will need to inspect your system and identify the parts that have come loose.
Loud Banging
While some parts rattle when they come loose, others make a loud banging sound. In some cases, this can be resolved by simply tightening a screw. However, it could indicate other problematic issues. Because the banging indicates that one component is striking another with considerable force, the banging can be a source of additional damage if the issue is not resolved quickly.
An Electric Buzz
If your air conditioner is making an electrical buzzing sound, the problem could come from damaged electrical junctions and wiring. These present serious fire hazards and require urgent attention. However, it may not be an electrical problem. If your equipment is frozen or the condenser fan is stuck, the noise may be coming from components that are trying to move.
A Screeching Sound
A screeching sound may be heard throughout the entire run cycle of your AC system. If this is the case, the fan motor may be going out. In some cases, the sound is only heard when the system is starting up at the beginning of the cycle. This indicates that the compressor may need to be replaced.
Hissing and Gurgling
Refrigerant runs through the AC system’s coils and plays a key role in cooling the air. When the coils are cracked or leaking, you will hear a hissing sound. If the crack or hole is larger, the hissing sound may be accompanied by gurgling. Eventually, the AC system will run out of refrigerant and will no longer blow cool air if the coils are not replaced.
Initial Clicking
An air conditioner may make an initial click when it turns on, and this is normal. However, if you notice more clicks than usual, the air conditioner’s capacitor requires attention. This is a sign that the capacitor is failing. When it completely fails, the AC system’s motor will not operate.
Loud Pops
While you may think that a loud popping sound is coming from your AC system, it may actually be coming from damaged air ducts. When the cooled air passes through the duct joints, it creates loud pops. Because the air escapes from the ducts, the home takes longer to cool. This means that the AC system must work overtime to cool your home. When this happens, the system will endure more wear and tear. Repairs are more likely, and the system’s longevity is impaired. In addition, you may have higher energy bills until the problem is fixed.
Schedule AC Service Today
At Birmingham One Hour, we are ready to respond to your request for AC repair service quickly. Our experienced HVAC technicians always provide friendly, honest service with quality results. Book an appointment with us online or by phone today.